Trilogy Book Covers
Project requirements were to listen to three entirely unrelated audiobook stories. They were unrelated by author, by title, and by subject matter. The design of their book covers, however, were to be cohesive and obvious as created in an identifiable style by one singular designer. Contrary to how most books are typically marketed and sold, these three books were not to have any objects or identifiers to their stories used in the development of their covers. In this play on the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover,” I set out to make designs that would invite readership without actually revealing the book’s contents. Conceptually their design relates to the idea, though that idea may not be directly clarified.

Panic, Who is the initial one, Epidemic
"Patient Zero" is a story about the initial individual who spreads an epidemic disease. For the design of the book, I used the depiction of a bowling ball as patient zero and then the pins as those who subsequently became infected. The impact of the ball hitting the pins signifies the panic caused by a pandemic outbreak.

Gaze inside, Covered, Unseen
In this book novel entitled "Who am I", the core question being asked by the author was: how does one’s intelligence make up who they are? For this design, I created a keyhole to depict the human body and psyche as I thought it is “an opening” which we unlock within ourselves. Through this keyhole is then revealed those things in ourselves which we may yet not know.

Unexpected, Unimagenable, Sudden
This book entitled "Opps!" had many various stories of daily life events that incurred curious and unintended consequences. The stories are both funny and about serious situations. I expressed these interesting circumstances in each story via the design depiction of a soda drink that is suddenly overflowing unexpectedly.
Four keys to be cohesive from non-cohesive



Circle shape

Craft paer
Final design