Redesign Logo
In this project, I re-designed the logo for Hawaii’s historically famous agricultural multinational corporation, Dole. I researched the company history and then focused upon a concept of what I wanted to convey in regards to the business’ goals, product line, and overall brand aspirations.

Sun in the pineapple slice
As the Dole company is famously known for pineapple, I wished to represent their products as grown under an abundant amount of sunshine and the shape represents a slice of pineapple. Thus, this symbol is made prominent in the design.

Starts with three people in rainbow state
This company was originally established with 3 people in Hawaii. I captured this in rainbow having 3 colors and 3 points which looks like the top part of the pineapple.The points faces outside, which I put the meanings of that this busiiness is going to flourish.

Rich crops comes from rich resorces
This captures the rich sun, water, and soil that are necessary to grow nice crops.