
I captured butterfly and flower movement in childish-looking artwork.

These are Moroccan lumps that I always get fascinated with because of their colorful colors.

This is a cactus in a Mexican house. When I went to Mexico, I got fascinated with the colorful concrete house there. I mixed with fantasy imagination that the cactus becomes like pink neon lights.

The title is femininity. I captured the features of the bud of the flower and the shell as a female body form.

I like kids and babies. They are so pure and fun! She was in the magazine and her facial expression touched my heart.
These are pendant tops. The title is "Aloha in Mudra". Mudra is hand gestures having important roles in yogic thought and Indian culture. I created Mudra and Hibiscus. This mudra gesture called "Chin Mudra" envokes the feeling of calmness and lightness. Hibiscus is Koki'o Ke'oke'o which is native in Hawaii. I love doing yoga in Hawaii and I captured this.